Monday 30 April 2018

1# 4 best eating products you're not eating

Every diets plan should contains lots of goodnes like vegetables. But there are some produtcs which are the most sterling.
For example Mark Twain called cauliflower “cabbage with a college education.”

1. Cauliflower is often considered one of the healthiest foods on Earth, and there is good reason why. It is a great source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Potassium and Manganese. 

5 Benefits of eating cauliflower.
  1. Helps reduce cancer risk.
  2. Aids in weight loss.
  3. Preserves eye health.
  4. Improves digestion and detoxification.
  5. Decreases risk of heart disease and brain disorders.

You know about tofu, but have you tried tempeh? Tempeh is also made from soybeans, and it’s also packed with nutrients -- like protein, potassium, and calcium. As you can see by the photo below, it looks a little strange, but don't be afraid!

3. Kefir
Milk kefir contains beneficial bacteria, which can help to break down or predigest different ingredient or foods.

Lentils aren't as popular as beans, but they're just as much of a health food superstar. You don't need to soak them before you cook them. Add  them for meat in soups  and you'll get a hearty boost of protein and fiber for a lot less fat.

Thanks for reading, Maggie.

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