Sunday 30 April 2017


author: Neal Stephenson
literary genre: science fiction
how much I recommend this book: 10/10

Have you ever thought what would happen if the moon explodes? No? Me too. Until I started to read this book.
It turns out that this explosion has tragic results. From one moon appear 7 parts, then 8, then more and more and more...
No one is safe. 
There's only 2 years before end of the world.
The last chance for humanity are space stations. 

It's true that this book is hard and full of technical vocabulary, but believe me - all hours that you'll spend on this book will be amazing. Author in brillant way tells his wision of ending world and people who try to survive. 

If you like hard science fiction, it's perfect you you!

Anyway, I recommend it to all of you.
Hope you'll enjoy it!

See you in next post~!

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