Thursday 1 June 2017

The Book List Challenge pt.5

Here's fifth part of list The Hundred Books Worth To Read.
If you haven't seen previous parts, check them on our blog.
Hope you'll enjoy it all :)
65. The Complete Works
author: William Shakespeare
literary genre: ~~~

66. The Handmaid's Tale
author: Margaret Atwood
literary genre: dystopian novel, science fiction

67. Les Miserables
author: Victor Hugo
literary genre: historical novel

68. A Town Like Alice
author: Nevil Shute
literary genre: romance
69. Tess of the D'Urbervilles
author: Thomas Hardy
literary genre: novel

70. Oliver Twist
author: Charles Dickens
literary genre: novel

71. A Fine Balance
author: Rohinton Mistry
literary genre: historical novel

72. Middlemarch
author: George Eliot
literary genre: novel

73. David Copperfield
author: Charles Dickens
literary genre: novel

74. Bleak House
author: Charles Dickens
literary genre: novel

75. Brideshead Revisited
author: Evelyn Waugh
literary genre: novel

76. War and Peace
author: Leo Tolstoy
literary genre: historical novel

77. The Bell Jar
author: Sylvia Plath
literary genre: roman a clef

78. Possession
author: A. S. Byatt
literary genre: novel

79. The Wind in the Willows
author: Kenneth Grahame
literary genre: children's novel

80. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
author: Arthur Conan Doyle
literary genre: detective fiction, short stories

81. The Remains of the Day
author: Kazuo Ishiguro
literary genre: historical novel
82. Madame Bowary
author: Gutave Flaubert
literary genre: realist novel, erotic literature

See you in next post!

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