Saturday 28 May 2016

Black and white

The human eye is one of the most complex and sophisticated inventions. Really fascinating is what your eye does, when it processes the light into electrical impulses. This is done by using the light-sensitive receptors in the retina.

There are two types of these receptors. Cone cells and rod cells. Cone cells are responsible for the color of the image. Focus in the central part of the retina. Looking straight ahead, usually you see just what show you suppositories. Stamens receive only black and white. But they are much more sensitive to light and better detect movement. This is the cause of an interesting phenomenon.

You are outside in the beautiful night. For the eye you notice a bright star. When you rotate the page disappears. This is because that is what you saw for the eye, was passed by the rods. When you turn, the star was in the field of vision of suppositories that are not sensitive enough to register the light from the stars. In a way you don't see what I already saw. The eye sees more than you think.

And now think of it as the last you saw something for the eye. Blurred image of a moving object. When you turned over, already disappeared. Next time don't turn your back. Your rods you want something to show.

See you soon!

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