Monday 30 May 2016

The Guardian of Reason

"In every city, in every country is a hospital for the mentally ill or the resort, where you can try each of them. There were 2538 of these objects, but 2000 were lost.
The remaining 538 must never connect. Never."

In every city, in every country, is a psychiatric hospital or nursing home social, from which you can use. When you get to the reception, say that you want to visit someone who calls himself "The Guardian of Reason". Barely noticeable smile go face, as if to say: "You stupid".

Will lead You a long corridor, which ran to be deep into the organization. Practically, this place shouldn’t be there. In the hallway will very quietly, so quietly that you will be able to hear their own blood pumping in your veins. The word, screaming or any other noise will be crushed before it comes out of your mouth. Your guide to simply will show you the door.

When you step inside, your eyes will be welcoming a room full of pleasant to the senses perfume that smell, you will not be able to identify. In the middle of the room you will notice beautiful woman. The room will be the same quiet and calm as the corridor that led to it. The only exception that break all-encompassing silence is your question. You can ask only one question, "Why IT were separated?".

Women explain You all in appalling detail, will tell you about every murder, every war and every rape, made in history. All the horrors of the universe suddenly appear before Your eyes. When the time runs out, everything stops for again. What will you do with the information received depends only on you.

The woman is "Object" 2. to 538. Remember, whether they are connected, depends on you ...

See you soon.

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