Hi everybody!
Today I'm gonna tell you about awsome british rifle from Falkland islands war. It was just a prtotype , but some of this guns were on use if british army. Of course I'm talking about L85. It was just in development , but like I said it was tested of Falkland islands.

History of the project cames from 40's. British army wanted a brand new assault rifle with non-standard caliber. There were some concepts , but they weren't good. Afrer ammo standarisation in NATO XL70E3 came in. It wasn't on army use , but after it XL85E1 has born. It was field tested during Falkland islands war and after few modifications it's on use to this day (Yup , I just skiped it maybe by 95%)
Technical thingies:
Year of serial produciton :1985 - Present
Wieght:4.2-5.2 kg
Lenght: 780mm
Magazine capacity: 30rds
Ammo caliber: 5.56x45
Theoretical rate of fire : 650rds/m
Bullet speed: 940m/s

Aaaand as always , shooting video.Enjoy!
I think it's enough for today.
See you next time!
//The Typical Loner
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