Saturday 27 December 2014


Curve Fever is a czech game. Creators of this game are Filip Oscadal and Kamil Dolezal. Release date of this game was in 1995. Actual version is 0.62. Platform: DOS. This game is a multiplayer game. You can play from 2 to 6 people.

You have to find a room in order to play. To log in you have to have only e-mail. If you register, you'll get 700 money. You play as a dot. It extends after some time. You can go left or right. If you win, you will get money and points. If you lose, you lose your points.  Every dot in this game has specified color. You can buy premium account for real money. If you buy this account, you'll change color and the size of the arena. During the game, on the map appear different super powers (e.g. fat dot, thin dot, slow dot, fast dot). Curve fever has three sections: Europe, America and East Asia. There, I often meet people who speak english.

I often play Curve Fever with my friends. It's a great way to kill your free time. There you can meet many interesting people. It's a good idea for easy learning english. I reccomend it to all of you.

This is link to this game:

See you! Natalia ;) 

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