Monday 30 March 2015

How to have a beautiful eyebrows?

Today I''ll show you how to have beautiful eyebrows! I haven't put anything on my eyebrows, even henna, because I have naturally dark eyebrows. If you have thin and rare eyebrows I'll show you how thicken them!
OK, let's start.

First thing you must do is regulate your eyebrows. Find your eyebrows' line and you tear out hair that is out of this line. You must remember where your eyebrows begin and where is the end of them. This picture shows you it.

1. Your eyebrows start, where your nose is. They are equal lines.
2. Your eyebrow's arch should be somewhere in the half of your eye.
3. End your eyebrow where is end of your eye.

The second thing to do is  tear out too long hair. This hair can tangle up.
Next, you can put henna on your eyebrows but I can't help you because I have never done it.

What to do If I have thin and rare eyebrows?

I wrote about it in the last posts. The perfect ingredient for eyebrows is ricine oil. It revives your eyebrows amazingly. You can put ricine oil only on your hair. It will help you if you use a brush (from an old mascara). You should do it every day and your eyebrows will be dark and beautiful!
/Ola Loga ♥

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