Hi everbody !
Today I'm gonna talk about some american equipment. More precisely I'm going to tell you about M4 sherman. It's a tank straight from USA. It was made in WWII and serves to this day on the middle east. More info below.

History of construction :
Americans needed to replace pretty bad construction which was M3 Lee. In 1942 they started production. Companies like Pressed stell , Lima locomotive company , Chrysler , American locomotive , Baldwin locomotive and Pullman standard were involved in it's produciton. It was main allied tank. I t was developed as a infantry support tank , but after time it recived some upgrades like Sherman Firefly , M4A1 , M4A2,M4A3 HVSS with 105 mm canon and a lot more , even Kangaroo which was an infantry transporter (M4 without turret , used by those tea guys). In Israel they mad M51 SuperSherman. It is on the photo below. M4 was used Everywhere where american troops were deployed , even on D-day. Also it received An upgrade that made this tank an mobile rocket artillery battery with 60 rockets on the board , armour and it still could use it's canon , also down below.

Techincal thingies:
Year of serial produciton begining : 1942
Tanks made : 49 000 (Every version included)
Armor : 51mm on the front , 38mm on the sides and 38mm on the back
Weponary: 75mm canon , 0.5 cal machingun on the rooftop , and two smaller sisters of the big roof guy with 7.92 ammo.
Top speed: 39 km/h
Range: 160 Km
I think it was a good consturcion , its production ended in 1945 and there were 49000 tanks made. It was cheap , and it was doing it's work on the battlefield , it wasn't the bust but it wasn't the worst of all tanks (Ekhem italian tanks ekhem)
See ya next time
//The Typical Loner
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