Thursday, 31 January 2019

The art of fight-Modern Knight

The historical medieval battles world championship logo,first held in 2009 in Ukraine
Over 30 countries have joined the competition

he main goal in every dyscyplin is to topple your enemy to the ground when you meet with the soil you also meet with the defeat.In this picture you can see the marshal(man in the yellow with same coulored flag)he's a judge.
The most important rules is to not choke oponent,do not hit the lying man or do not hit somebody without a single piece of armour(when you have lost gauntlet all competition is pause until you leave the fight area) 

This really ekstreme sport exist since 2009(the idea comed from Russia)and unites more than 30 countries around the world .Worldwide tournaments are held at the buldings and places connected with medieval era(castles,remains of defensive walls or in the fortresses)

Every country needs to have 8 to 50 representative
Polish Representation 3rd place in general and in 2018(Santa Severa-Rome)Poles get 8 medals in various disciplines.

next incoming opportunity to get medals and glory will be in 2019.In this year Tournament will be held in Serbia exacly at Smederevo fortress

Rules about the armour are very loose ,knights can wear pieces of armour from XII to XVI century.The strict rule is about wearing armour:you must have all the body covered in it.But weapon chose isn't restricted by any rules(In group fight)Soo you can take whatewer mlee weanpon from medieval era(without maces,and nothing sharp of course)

Knights can fight 1 vs 1 to even 50 vs 50. The moust popular is 21vs 21 call ''the royal"

The art of fight-genesis

At this painting  we can see a  band of knights probably from XII century fighting in a long chain armours and great helmets with decorative talberts on them. Winning group domp the helmets from they oponents to show that the're beaten.

One of the most iportant aspects of medieval knight life was war.We might say that knights functionined and lived only for fight and contest,because the other points of knight's rules such as defending christans and proceeding according to rules of Holy Bible were reather threated iconically.

The most popular and known combat skill tests was the knights tournaments consisting of a series of single duels or on the beggining just one battle but with blunt weapons in this battle the only rule was: Try not to kill your oponent and the main quest was to take captives to the special area.
By the time in France shaped the duel we know the best:The horse duel.
Knights fought using five metres long lances with blunt tips and they try to dump their oponent from the saddle.

Turnaments were reserwed only for the richest nobility cause knights fought in private armours using their own lances and horses.I must refute the myth about the warrior rising  from the ground and continiue fighting after falling from the saddle because lose of helmet or falling from horse were signals to who won the duel.

There also were infrantry duels(always with armour)but they were rare because infrantry fight was less spectacular than horse duels.For win the infrantry duelist must bring his enemy to the ground.

 In this XV drawning we can see knights with full plate armour and Great basinets on their heads.From blood spiling from their legs we can tell that in this duel they use sharp blades ,and they strike to kill oponen

Of course they were more brutal and spectacular way of fighting called "sharp fighting"like Zbyszko vs Rotgier fight.
Unfortunately when the fights were battlet in armours knights didn't fight using long swords(too heavy,too small places)They fights using short war axes or shortswords,maces or various types of blunt weapons which passed the exam against the practically unpenetrable plate armour.

Above we can see the page from Talhoffer's fight book.This book writen in XV century is just a mine of knowlege about the medieval combat.

How the man should be armed

Using  this images i want to show you how the europe armour have evolved . From the Germanic Nobleman from ages before Christ to knight wearing half-plated armour

At this picture we can see man in a short hauberg and simple helm witch nasal and cheeks protection.
His weanpons constitute round small shield and jawelin made for throwing.
He also have a shortsword  maked for slashing.
That single man is in infrantry but nobles usually serve in cavalery

At this picture we can see the member of the Hospitaleri order.Im sorry for little misunderstanding
in this picture, because we can see brother in black robe but the black robes with white maltan cross were
reserwed for normal autfit
When Knights of Saint John(Hospitalers)were moving into battle they were wearing red robes with white crosses
This palticular knight have long chainmail with chain gauntlets, the chain leggins and great helm on his head.
He have also the arm and forearm plate protection.Forearm protection was used by archers.
As weanpons he have short arming sword made for stabing & slashing and a migdal shield

In this picture we can see the man wearing connection of chain and plate armour.
Everything is covered in plates without armpits and the elbows. On a head he have helm called "hund helm".
He should also had cover his back of calces in chain but this one is just a model.
As a weapon he had half board sword.
As you  can see that he don't have a shield,because shields were too heavy for a warrior covered in plates.


My First Post- Want to know

Hello dear users of Blogger! I bow to everyone without exeption ! In my first post i want to introduce myself and do a little talk about my hobbys.Let's get this over with....

As you may know my name is Wiktor.I have grown up in a typical Polish family in a small house in suburbs near the park with my Drandad,Mom and Dad.Im interested in history of wars ,,specjalization" -Persian and Peleoponesian wars,life of Alexander the Great and The Crusades to the Holy land.I also interested in music and i can play a few instruments, but music isn't my horse enymore .I either make sports regularly, but nothing special about this. I read a loot of books too not only historical,my favourite non historical books are ,,Roots of the Heavens" writen by Tulio Avoledo and ,,Master and the Margaret" by Michaił Bułchakow.

In my personal blog i want to talk about the medieval ages and how they afects the modern world. 

The dark ages had two most important ascpect:The fight and the god's might.
Soo in my first posts i will try to talk about religion and middle ages combat. 

Why the medieval period? For a various reasons. Firstly because i grovn up in a  atheist family without the god and i want to know what is really atracting people and how do believers see the world.Secondly i know that for true religious person nothing is imposible and that is impresing for me and i have more respect for Them than for everyone else.

Creation of the world pt.2

So, it was post about the creation of a world in Greek mythology and today I tell you about creation Nordic world. I hope you'll enjoy it.

In the beginning, it was ice everywhere. While it started melting it took the shape of Giant named Ymir. While sweating he engendered three kids. When the ice start melting again it took the shape of a cow - her name was Adhumla. From the ice, she was licking engendered a man - Buri. He was the first human in the world. But Odin and his brothers didn't really like Ymir, so they decided to kill him. From his body, they made a ground, from bones and teeth - stones and oceans.

The Ymir's skull they sput on the sky and made from it sun, moon and stars. And from his brain - clouds. Someday, when Odin with brothers were walking along the beach they found a log. Odin gave them breath and live, Will - mind and feeling, and We -  hearing and sight. In that way, the creat the first couple of people named Ask and Embla. they were living in Midgard.

And its all for today's post, Bye!


Hi everyone!

Today I want to write about two days of healthy live. Today there was beautifull weather. At the morning I had a trening and healthly breakfast. 

Then me and my boyfriend went for a walk. It was very sunny but it wasn't hot. I was wearing a light clothes - it was a mistake. I was feeling like Anna from ,,Frozen”.

We went to the lake and we met boars. Firstly I was afraid. Then I realized that these boars are familiarized. They saw us and then slowly walked away. We did the same.We swung around and went to the shop becouse we wanted some potato crispsb. We planned to watch some films on Netflix.

So we did what we have planned in the evening we were lying in bed and we were watching "Rick and Morty".

I really loved that trip and lazy evening. Potato crips were so tasty.

Bye for now!

Helthly food


This day I decided to change something in my life. I want to eat helthly food. When I got up I did 30 minutes long exercises. After training I made brakefast and then lunch.

There is a recipe if you want try this.
You need:
- 55 g burgoo
- 2 spoon of linseed
- Big apple
- spoon with cinamon

You have to boli burgoo with linseed. Then you must rub half of an apple. You mix burgoo and linseed with half of an apple. And put it into a bowl. Then add a cinamon.

For lunch I prepared a smoothie. There you have a recipe.

- 150g bluberrys
- 125 ml almond milk
- 1 spoon honey
- few bluberrys and  leaf of mint for decoration.

You put it into a mixer, mix. Finished! Yeah it is already finished.

I really like healthy food it is tasty. Keep your fingers for my diet. 

Bye for now!


Hello guys!

Today, I'm going to show you one of the horror that I watched on a horror movie marathon in the cinema in my city. The title is 'Hereditary' and this film was directed by Ari Aster. Enjoy!

The plot is telling us about Grahams' family, which in die senior Ellen. After her death, in Annie (Toni Collette) and her childrens' life unsettling things start to happen. On the start she just justifying herself that it's because of funeral. But when things are start to be terrifying and tragic she realizes that on her family lies dark heritage.

The first thirty minutes of this movie was great. I was curious what happens next. But after this mentioned thirty minutes I was just shocked. What have they done to this plot!? It could be really nice horror, but creators ruined all. I'm thinking what nice can I say about this film and it might be about scenes of deaths. They were very good.

See you soon!


Hi everyone!

Last weekend I was playing  ''Mario Monopoly''. It isn’t a usual monopoly. Every charkter has got different skill.

For example the first  character Mario. When Mario stands on a field with star. You can throw the dices one more time and get coins from bank. Number of coins which you get eqals the number you throwed by dices plus five more.

For the second one we can take Donkey Kong. When he stands on a field with star it gets three coins from each player.

You can also  get more characters like: 

- Wario
- Fire Mario
- Diddy Kong 
- Toad
- Rosalina
- Luigi
- Boo
- Tanooki Mario

Becouse they are not included in standard version.I played with my boyfriend and three other friends.I played using Mario character. As always I have lost.I do not know how they do that.I hope I will be better after few more games.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

God of god's


The king of all the gods and the ruler of the heavens and thunderhead. Son of two Titans - Kronos and Reia.

Uranos's prophecy was saying that one of Kronos's children will deprive him of power, so he was eating his kids. When Zeus born, Reia gave Kronos a rock and tell him that's his new son and then helped Zeus escape. He was hiding on the island (Kreta). He was brought up by Nymphs and fed by a goat -
Amalthea. From her corner, he created a Horn of Plenty. Zeus came back after years, defended Kronos and freed his siblings from Kronos's stomach. Zeus's wife is Hera but he has a lot of lovers. His holy symbol is Thunder.

Zeus's family

sibling: Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Demeter.
children: Atena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hebe, Hephaestus, Ares, Artemida, Apollo, Herakles, Perseus, and Eileithyia

Creation of the world

At first, it was Chaos, from which were born two gods - Uranus and Gaia. They engender powerfull Cyclopes and Hecatoncheries(Hundred-Handers) but Uranus didn't really like their 'look' so he throw them into Tartarus (so nice). In revenge, Gaia made herson (Kronos) to kill Uranus. From his blood were born goddesses of revenge - Erinyes. On the Earth began peace.

But Kronos also was a weird father and he was eating his childrento circumvent a prophecy. After Zeus's birth, Rheia (Kronos's wife) decided to hide him. When he grew up Rheia gave Kronos means of vomiting and reclaim her eaten children. Then Zeus with his allies started a war against Kronos and Titans this war lasted ten years and destroy totally the earth. Finally, Zeus's army win. And we can say they live long and happy... but no, not yet.
Gaia was bitter, so she gave birth to a monster - Typhon. He was supposed to finish with gods, but Zeus beasted him. Aaand finally we have peace. Cheers!

'Christine' and 'Pet Sematary'

One of the most widely known examples of horror literature is the novel 'Christine' from 1983. It was put on the big screen almost immediately after the publishing of the book.
Arnie Cunningham, a  self-conscious 17 year old boy from an American high school.  He has no achievements in education, no success with the ladies and is targeted by a group of bullies. His life changes when he passes by Libertyville and notices a broken Plymouth fury from 1958 on the lawn.  Arnie becomes obsessed with it - he starts neglecting school, family and friends.  His parents, teachers and enemies learn what it means to cross paths with the vengeful and merciless Christine. All because Christine is an evil killer ghost car. 

'Christine' is not only a horror, but also a novel about maturing, friendship, love and the problems of the 1970s' teenagers. 

Another novel is 'Pet Sematary', which was written in 1983.  The book is about the Creed family that moves from Chicago to their new home in a small town called Ludlow, New England. It is an ideal place for the young doctor, his wife, two children and a cat. A beautiful house, nice neighbors, a road full of trucks and a forest cemetery full of tombstones erected by children. The gate to the cemetery has a sign PET SEMATARY -  not all children are good at orthography.  The new location becomes the beginning of the end of the Creed family. 

Stephen King worked on this book in a rented house in Orrington. There was an animal cemetery right behind the house. The novel appeared on the big screen in 1989, with King playing the role of the priest conducting a funeral.

Monday, 28 January 2019

'The Nun'

Hello readers!

My last post was about a medium scary horror. Today, I'm coming to you with something stronger. The movie's title is 'The Nun' and the director is Corin Hardy. I hope you'll enjoy!

When I saw the trailer I was really excited. Me and my friend couldn't wait for it. I thought this film will be frightening, but I was disappointed a little bit, when I finally saw it.

Before I tell you more about it, I must to mention that 'The Nun' is associated with another horror movie 'The Conjuring 2', but you don't have to watch it. Nothing except 'the monster' is linked with the plot.

The movie is about the young nun who killed herself in the monastery in Romania. The harassed by bogeys from the past priest Burke (Demian Bichir) and the would-be nun Irene (Taissa Farmiga) are going to Romania to figure out what happened to that poor woman. On the way, the real loverboy and comedian who called himself 'Frenchie' (Jonas Bloquet) join to them. Accidentaly, they discover the infamous secret of the monastery.

In my opinion, this horror is on hight level, but I expected more. The plot should be deeper. The characterization was great, I was just scared because of make up haha! Jumpscares in the movie were so good. I was glad, when I walked out from the cinema.

Bye for now!

'Salem LOT' and 'The Shining'

King is called the Master of Horror. I will present several positions from this genre.

One of the first novels by Stephen King, published in 1975, is 'Salem's Lot'. It's a shortened name of Jerusalem, a fictional town located in Maine.  After 25 years, Ben Mears comes back to his family town. He's looking for an inspiration to write a new novel. There are weird things starting to happen in the town. People and animals start disappearing in unexplained circumstances.  Soon it turns out that the town was overrun by vampires.  Salem’s Lot isn't just a story about vampires. It's also a portrait of small town's society, written with a great accuracy. This attention to detail and accuracy became King's trademarks.

One of the best of horrors, 'The Shining', published in 1997.  Action of the novel takes place in The Overlook hotel, located high in the mountains, where Jack Torrance with his wife and five years-old son Danny has to stay for a winter to supervise it. Sensitive, gifted with paranormal abilities child sees many gruesome scenes, which took place years ago in the abandoned hotel.  The atmosphere of terror and suspense raises with every minute. 
King never forgave Stanley Kubrick for the screen adaptation of The Shining. Because in cinema it turned out to be a story about a haunted hotel, and King wrote a book about an alcoholic. The haunted hotel was in the background in the novel. 


The first one is "IT". It is considered to be one of the major works of this American master of horror books. It is his most frightening novel, which was published in 1986. The first adaptation of 'IT' appeared in 1990 and the second one in 2017. "IT" is full of tension, mysterious scenes, fantastic mood and magic. The story both catches your attention and scares you. The action keeps you in suspense until the very end.

Derry is a small town in Maine - a haunted city - where one day a group of children meet IT. A creature which feeds on human fear. It transforms into many different creatures, for example - a clown, a huge bird and a voice in the pipes. The children have to face evil themselves. They cannot find help among adults. Most of them are lucky, they survive and leave Derry. After twenty years, IT returns. Those who survived, now as adults, have to find child's faith and courage to face it effectively

"IT" was supposed to be King’s great farewell - not with his novel, not with his horror stories, but with a certain stage of creativity. As the author said, it was supposed to be the last novel about children and monsters. It may be difficult to believe, but it was "Bugs Bunny" that inspired the author to  write "TI" As King wrote himself, the idea for the novel came to his mind as he passed a wooden bridge over a dried stream. Then, he thought of that fairy tale and asked himself: what would happen if a troll called him under the bridge.

My first post

Hi, my name is Paweł. I'm from Poland and I live in Szczecin witch my parents and dog. I have a dark, brown hair and green eyes. I play on bass guitar and I practise aikido. I'ts my two big interests.

Now I will tell you why I'm gonna write about Stephen King's books.

King's work has interested me because of his huge popularity and because I love horrors. He is one of the best-known contemporary writers and the author of many bestsellers. He has millions of fans around the world. There are a lot of film adaptations of King's work, based on his books. He writes more than other writers and every book he writes is a best-seller. There must be something interesting in his books that attracts so many readers. I would like to start my presentation with his most famous and popular novels. 

My first post

Hi, I' Julia. I'm new here so I would like you to get me know better. I'm 15 years old. I'm from Poland and I live in Szczecin with my mam, dad, and cat. I have a brother but he's not live with us anymore. I have a dark, brown hair, brown eyes and I'm really short.

I'm a Hip Hop and Waccking dancer but I'm also keen on Dance Hall and New Age.
Now a few of my interests. I like makeup, high school drama and sciencefiction films and series, reading books and hanging out with friends. I'm fond of music. I'm listening to hip hop and old hits but the most I love rock. My favorites are Queen, Michael Jackson, Banks, Arctic Monkeys, Grandson, Sam Tinesz and a looot of others. I'm also playing guitar.

I'm keen on Mythology and that's what my blog is going to be about. Bay for now!

Sunday, 27 January 2019

My first post!

My name is Natalia. I'm 15 years old. I have got a long dark blonde hair. I have got grey eyes. I'm 160 cm tall. I'm friendly but sometimes shy.

I am from Poland and I live in Szczecin. I'm the third grade of junior high school number 24 named Władysław Orkan. I'm at the last year of gimnasium. That's why I have to pass a test of third class.

I'm interested in many things. I like to cook, sail, make nails and many other things. Finally I wanted to write this blog about histories of my life or interestand things which I do.

Today I want to introduce to you my cat. It's very crazy pet. It's name is Basia. It's a Russian blue breed. When she starts running ,she mess her legs against the wall and run round the house. It's lovely but sometimes Basia bites me for nothing. Regardless I love her becouse she's sleeping with me andshe hugh me when I'm sad.

Friday, 25 January 2019

'A Quiet Place'

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to tell you my opinion about horror movie that I watched a couple months ago. The title is 'A Quiet Place', the director (and the actor too) is John Krasinski. I hope you'll enjoy it!

First of all, the plot is very intersting for me. We track fates of five-member family: Evelyn (Emily Blunt) and Lee Abbott (John Krasinski) and their kids Regan (Millicent Simmonds), Marcus (Noah Jupe) or the youngest one - Beau (Cade Woodward). Regan is deaf-mute and she uses sign language. Family must survive attacks of bloodthirsty monsters. But there is a catch - they must live in absolute silence, because these creatures attack only when they heard even the quietest sound.

The movie's climate can be so relaxing and really stressful in the same time. I know it's weird, but this is what sets apart this production from others. I really like it and the frames. This film keeps in the suspense really well. Also, in my opinion this work shows how strong is parents' love for their children.

I recommend this production for people who like this kind of horrors. Not much blood, not much killing, but a lot of emotions and quiet.

See you soon!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

My first post!

Hi guys!

I'm new on this page, my name is Nikola, I'm 15 years old, I live in Poland (the name of the city that I live is Szczecin) and I'm going to write here my opinion about horror movies that I watched. I decided to post on this blog, because I really want to improve my english. Also, I love writing poems, tales, stories (I think I'm good at it) and english language, so why don't mix this together?

I have long, straight, brown hair, blue eyes and freckles on my cheeks. I'm very positive, funny and friendly person! But sometimes I'm very shy too and this might be my weakness.

Exept for writing, I'm keen on to drawing. I even think it's my passion. I don't remember when I started, but I was really young for sure. I can draw on pages with my pencil, but I prefer my graphic tablet. I think my drawings looks better in digital version. I'm still learning, sometimes I have problems with motivation, but drawing is a part of my life. I just can't stop.

I really like reading books, especially detective stories or novels with mysterious plot. My favourite is 'Needful Things' written by Stephen King. I like his creativity so much.

I watched a hundreds of horrors in my life and it's my favourite category, so I'm feeling good in this topic. I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts. Welcome and have fun!

By the way, it's my photo (I'm behind that boy):

Thursday, 17 January 2019

The Maned Wolf

This mammal is found in open and semiopen habitats, especially grasslands with scattered bushes and trees, in south, central-west, and southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Bolivia east and north of the Andes, and far southeastern Peru. It is very rare in Uruguay, possibly being displaced completely through loss of habitat. Unlike other large canids ((such as the gray wolf, the African hunting dog, or the dhole)), the maned wolf does not form packs. It hunts alone, usually between sundown and midnight. Maned wolves rotate their large ears to listen for prey animals in the grass. They tap the ground with a front foot to flush out the prey and pounce to catch it. They kill prey by biting on the neck or back, and shaking the prey violently if necessary. Monogamous pairs may defend a shared territory around 30 km2, although outside of mating, the individuals may meet only rarely. The territory is crisscrossed by paths that they create as they patrol at night. Several adults may congregate in the presence of a plentiful food source, for example, a fire-cleared patch of grassland that would leave small vertebrate prey exposed while foraging. Generally, the maned wolf is shy and flees when alarmed, so it poses little direct threat to humans. Popularly, the maned wolf is thought to have the potential of being a chicken thief. 

Savannah Cat

Savannah Cats are a spotted domestic cat breed started in the 1980's. Developed to give the impression of grandeur and dignity of a wildcat with a cheetah type appearance, expressive eyes highlighted by dark tear stains, vibrant coat colors, solid contrasting black spots, huge sonar-like ears and long legs. Since 2006 they have held the Guinness Book World Record for the world's tallest domestic cat. They live about 15-20 years, weight 12-25 pounds ((5 - 11 kg)) High Intelligence combined with being naturally curious gets them into mischief. Due to high intelligence, curiosity and high energy needs, they are best suited with active owners. Adult F1 Savannah Cat is about 18 inches high ((45.7 cm!)). They are very expensive, F1 cat cost about $20,000. Genarations lower than F3 can be bought for $1,000-$3,000. A Savannah cat has a short to medium-length coath with a slightly coarse texture that can be brown-spotted tabby, silver-spotted tabby, black and black smoke. Kittens born with rosetted, marble, pointed, blue, cinnamon, chocolate, lilac or other dilute colors make great pets but can’t be shown. They really like playing in water and being in high places. The Savannah cat descends from a  breeding between a male serval and a female Siamese cat. A relatively young breed, the Savannah cat dates to April 7, 1986, when the first kitten from the above cross was born. The kitten and the breed were called Savannah. It was some years before there were significant numbers of the cats. The International Cat Association began registering Savannahs in 2001. The breed achieved championship status in 2012.

some cool moths

Army green moth feeds on nectar of a great variety of flowers. They have a preference for fragrant species like petunia, jasmine and honeysuckle. They are especially active in the twillight tume, hovering over the flowers after sunset. This moth lives in Africa, Asia and certain Hawaiian Island. It is a migratory species, flying to parts of estern and southern Europe during the summer, particularly Turkey.

Io moth with eye-like spots on its lower wings, this species can appear like an animal much larger than it really is, helping to ward off predators. Io ((Eye-oh)) can be found from the southeast corner of Manitoba and in the southern extremes of OntarioQuebec, and New Brunswick in Canada, and in the US it is found from MontanaNorth DakotaSouth DakotaNebraskaColoradoNew MexicoTexasUtah, east of those states and down to the southern end of Florida.

Rosy maple moth is the smallest of the silk moths. Males have a wingspan of 1.25 - 1.75 in ((3.2 to 4.4 cm)), females of 1.5 - 2 in ((3.8 to 5 cm)). The species can be identified by their unique, but varying, pink and yellow coloration. They have reddish-to-pink legs and antennae, yellow bodies and hindwings, and pink forewings with a triangular yellow band across the middle. These colorful North American moths feed on maples, including red, silver and sugar maple.

Dysphania militaris moth is easy to mistake for butterflies, this moth species is found in southeast Asia and is also called the false tiger moth. Its wingspan is about 3.1 - 3.8 in ((8 - 9.6 cm))