Thursday 30 April 2015

Indonesia part 1


Indonesia- officially the  Republic of Indonesia. The country  is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and South China Sea. Indonesia consists of a lot of islands (about 18 thousands!). This country is really mixed, so it's motto is “Unity in diversity”.

The capital city is Jakarta.
Area land- 1,904,569  km²
Population-  252,164,800
The head state– president Joko Widodo
The main language- Indonesian (there are more than 580 languages and dialects)

Religions: Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism.

Interesting fact

The main religion is Islam– 86%
The highest mountain is Jaya (4884 above sea level)
The longest river is Kapuas (1150 km)
There are above five hundred  volcanoes (active volcanoes= 12%)
The main meal is rice, Indoniesians really like hot and spicy dishes.
Indonesia is the only country in the world, where you can see dragons from Komodo.
This country is 6 times bigger than Poland.
There are only 100 Polish people in Indonesia.

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