Tuesday 23 October 2018

Dancing Spider

Maratus volans, also known as 'Peacock Spider' is a really small and beautiful jumpnig spider. Male spiders perform an elaborate courtship dance to try impress a female, but if she is not interessed and male continues to dance - he might end up as a meal to female. Sometimes spider can save his life escaping by jumping.
They are very colorful and up to 5 mm body lenght! ((like a single square in your notebook)).
The head-breast part of the peacock spider is usually a deep brown color with red stripes and the upper abdomen green and patterned with broad stripes of blue and brown. And then there is the gorgeous pair of flaps which, when he is not in pursuit of a lady friend, lie against his abdomen like the cape. 
Like almost all spiders, peacock spiders are venomous. But they have so tiny jaws, that they are not dangerous to humans. They couldn't even puncure our skin. They don't build webs - thay stalk their prey, which can be three our four times their size, and pounce at it.

See you next time!

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