Monday 22 October 2018

First post

Hi! My name is Weronika, I'm fifteen years old. I'm going to post here, so first I want to tell you something about me.

I am talkative person with wierd sense of humour. I smile and laugh a lot. My best idea for spending my free time is reading books, listening to music or writing something. I love music with deep lyrics, but to be honest, I can listen to almost everything. My favourite kind of music is rock, I guess. When I'm at home I always have my telephone, headphones, notebook and ice tea right next to me.
I don't really care what others think about me, so I'm not afraid to be myself if I'm not causing any problems. I usually say What I think and everyone who know me closely say they can trust me. I like to fool around and play with street cats. I'm open to new things, I like trying everything. I still have not found my passion, but I think it might be writing or psychiatry.

I'm going to post about exotic animals, especially spiders and similar ones. In primary school I was scared even if I saw spider in biology book, but now I find them cute. Not all, but some of them are really beautiful! 
I hope you'll like my posts c: See you!

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