Wednesday 31 October 2018

Satanic Gecko + Rainbow Snake

This mystical species is very rare in the wild and reportedly remaining within only three protected areas of Madagascar. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko is unique in appearance and makes for a sought-after animal in the pet trade. They grow up to 6 inches ((15 cm)) including tail. They usually live in small shrubs, it's very rare to see this guys higher than 1 meter. When they sleep, they're hanging on their feets from branchs. Satanic leaf-tailed geckos are capable of living longer than 10 years.

Second animal I want to tell you about is Brazilian rainbow boa. Brazilian rainbows are a popular subspecies because of their outstanding appearance. Males reach sizes of  66 to 72 inches ((1,68 to 1,83 meters)) long. Large females can grow to 72 to 84 inches ((1,83 to 2,13 meters)) and weigh up to 9 pounds. These boas are readily available at exotic pet stores, or local reptile shows with several morphs available. When they are younger they are more prone to bite due to natural defense instincts, but as they become more used to handling tend to calm down. Like other species, the young Brazilian rainbow boas are probably preyed upon by birds of prey, small mammals or other reptiles. Their lifespan in the wild is estimated to be around 10 years, but in captivity, the species may live up to 30 years.

See you next time!

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