Tuesday 30 October 2018

Orange Bitey Thing

Among those who keep tarantulas as pets Pterinochilus murinus is known as "OBT", which means "orange baboon tarantula" or "orange bitey thing" and also as the "pterror", a pun on its Latin genus classification: Pterinochilus. This species is incredibly defensive. OBT's bite is extremely painful, the intense burning pain can make a grown man cry. Although their venom is not known to be lethal to humans. With their lightning fast movements and propensity for attacking anything that comes near them, this is species which is really only suitable for the more advanced tarantula keeper. It can try to attack you through the glass, simply because you walk past their table. When they get very irritated, they can simply jump out from the container. 

This species may be found in much of Central, Eastern and Southern Africa, including Zaire, Kenya, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Female can grow to 4-6 inches ((10-15 cm)), while males typically range 3–4 inches ((7-10 cm)).

See you next time!

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