Wednesday 24 October 2018

Magical properties of aloe-review


Magical properties of aloe it's really intresting topic.
But first, what it's acually?
It's a genus containing over 500 species of flowering succulent plants. It has vitamine C,E,D,B and amino acit.
It has antibacterial and cathartic works. Moreover it helps in metabolic rate, improve appetite and protect organizm. 
We use it in different forms. For exaple cream, gel or we can drink it in tee. I'm going to focus on aloe gel. It's all-purpose natural gel, which usually has 99% extract of aloe. It could be using by everyone, because it is hipoallergenic. 

How use it?
-mask for your hair
-crem on day or night
-lotion on your elbows

I'd recomended it also to people with acne or flare.

Bye for now!

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