Tuesday 29 January 2019

Creation of the world

At first, it was Chaos, from which were born two gods - Uranus and Gaia. They engender powerfull Cyclopes and Hecatoncheries(Hundred-Handers) but Uranus didn't really like their 'look' so he throw them into Tartarus (so nice). In revenge, Gaia made herson (Kronos) to kill Uranus. From his blood were born goddesses of revenge - Erinyes. On the Earth began peace.

But Kronos also was a weird father and he was eating his childrento circumvent a prophecy. After Zeus's birth, Rheia (Kronos's wife) decided to hide him. When he grew up Rheia gave Kronos means of vomiting and reclaim her eaten children. Then Zeus with his allies started a war against Kronos and Titans this war lasted ten years and destroy totally the earth. Finally, Zeus's army win. And we can say they live long and happy... but no, not yet.
Gaia was bitter, so she gave birth to a monster - Typhon. He was supposed to finish with gods, but Zeus beasted him. Aaand finally we have peace. Cheers!

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