Sunday 2 October 2016

Genesis of tattoos


Moko tattoo on face
Ritual ceremonies were original meaning of the tattoo. In many cultures they could let themselves on not only few - most often tribal knight. Ornaments of this type of warriors peculiarly were spread in Polynesian cultures, where of tattoo to do only killing the enemy and getting him authorised (tattooed) heads. The "tattoo" is deducing very word oneself just than Samoan tatau, written through the 18th century travellers.
They are most well-known maori's tattoos on the face, called moko. The tattoo was certainly well-known for the distant antiquity.

In Europe and America the tattoo was regarded by consecutive centuries as the allowed taboo only in the prison subculture and the underworld. These customs found supporting the mafia with reference to eastern traditions, in which the tattoo attested to the ranking in the hierarchy.

The tattoo disappeared from the west culture so that were discovered anew in 1691, when the yachtsman and the discoverer William Dampher got the Polinesian to London of the Giolo prince, firmly tattooed. In 1769 captain James Cook brought other Polinesian, Omaia. Yachtsmen participating in the dispatch of Cook learnt the technique of doing tattoos from local tribes. At that time also word the "tattoo" for good settled in in European languages. It caused the success of the art decorating the Omaia body that the tattoo had become popular to the smaller scale amongst the upper classes, and at present amongst stars and artists.

The first portable electric machine to do the tattoos was patented in the United States in 1891 by Samuel O'Reily. Thanks to her tattooing became far more available and profitable for the masses. So far tattooing was a slow and painful process, made in one piece by hand. Amongst tribes normal pricking was the most frequent technology, some tribes implemented dye into scratches. In Polynesia and the part of Malaysia, pigment was implemented up to the skin by pricking with the device resembling the miniature rake. In Japan needles attached to the wooden grip are applicable. Thanks to that for device very complex, multicoloured patterns, covering the greater reverence of the body often are tattooed. In Tunisia pigment sometimes is being rubbed into cuts done with the knife, some Native American tribes apply thorns for pricking.

Tattoos are a manifestation of the fashion than an ordinary hallmark or an ornament of the body now more. It is possible to meet people worldwide, from different social classes, having a hidden tattoo, or in visible places. The tattoo became an art form of the expression and a way of keeping an eye on oneself.

see ya,oliiiik ☺

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