Monday 31 October 2016

Learning Korean

Learning Korean isn't really complex thing. This language is one of the easiest Asian languages. You can learn hangul by yourself and it's quite easy, but later it becomes harder.
There are many helps in Internet nowadays. For example:

This website is not designed just to help you to learn how to speak Korean. Rather, it is designed to teach you how to speak Korean – plain and simple – from your very first steps all the way to being able to speak Korean fluently. I'm exploinig this web and it lets us understand Korean.
I know some books which can assist to. These are some titles:

- Korean for Begginners: Mastering Conversational Korean
- Elementary Korean
- Sogang Korean
- Korean Grammar in Use
- Ehwa

Some of those books are cheaper and some are more expensive. They differentiate their prices and contents, but I think all are really helpful.
But learning language isn't only theory. You need to speak in this language and practice yourself. As a beginner, having a Korean conversation partner/friend who speaks near-fluent English is helpful, since they will be able to answer your language questions in a way you can more easily understand.

In next post I'll tell you about the Korean Wave.
See you soon!

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