Monday 24 October 2016

The Most Outdated News Channel Returns!

24 Ocotber in history!
We've all heard stories from the old times of the cold war. Spies, arms race, development of the nuclear weapons and so on. Some of them real, some of them made for propaganda, some just made up for people's fun. But I'm going to tell you about an actual story from that period. 
About the Cuban Missle Crisis.

*Kennedy among his co-workers in the White House.*
For 13 days the world has been holding it's breath, as the two greatest superpowers of that period were deciding whether to settle down, or to set the world aflame. And it all started with the USA, making some shady deals with Turkey and Italy, so that some fresh american missiles could be aimed at the USSR from Asia Minor and the shoe-shaped penisula.

As soon as the Soviets "read the news", they decided to place their missiles on Cuba (90 miles away from Florida). The USA responded with a naval blockade of the island and demanded, from the Soviets to immediately remove all of their rockets from Cuba.  

Then the 13 days of negotiatons happened and as a result of that, the Yanks agreed  to never invade Cuba and to remove their missiles from Italy and Turkey, while  the Soviets agreed to take their rockets out of Cuba. 

And that's the happy ending of the story. Yay.

Now it's time for the slightly less important stuff!

So lets begin with a spanish soldier, who claimed that he teleported from the Philippines to Mexico. According to what the Spanish investigators noted, he mysteriously found himself in Mexico City right after the governor of the islands was killed. It happened in 1593. 

In 1648 the Treaty of Westphalia was signed, ending the 30 Years War and making Switzerland an independent country. Happy Independence Day Switzerland! 

In 1795 the 3rd partition of Poland happened, erasing the poor country from maps untill the end of the Great War.

In 1856 the South Australian constitution was signed. And in 1922 the Irish goverment adopted the Irish Free State's constitution. A lot of constitutions indeed.

In 1945 the UN charter was signed, replacing the useless, old League of Nations.

Visit the for even more facts! 
Writing this post made me want to teleport to Mexico City.

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