Monday 31 October 2016

The Very Unspecial Edition Of World's Oldest News Channel!

On this spooky day in history! 

In the long-gone times when nobody even knew that something like halloween'd existed people still had fun on this day. In 1517 , for example, A.D. Martin Luther pinned his list of reforms onto the door of the Wittenberg church; he sure was full of joy and the church was spooked out like never before. 

You may be wandering why would someone do such a thing..... So in the XVI century reneissance was all over the place promoting science, trying to throw the church off it's golden throne with arguments and stuff. But the pope and friends responded with mass violence, approved by most of the countries. But as time went along,  some of the masses were getting more and more unsatisfied with the new policy, and it seemed like only a little blaze was needed for the whole powder keg to explode. And Martin Luther's thesis on the church was just enough. 

But it's not like a bit of paper on a church can start a revolution. The proper protest began when some of the little monarchies belonging to the Reich accepted Luther's thesis and their new official belief, which led to some nasty things later. But you can go and read about it yourself :D.

Martin Luther and his fancy cap


The weird things.

Which aren't even weird because this day is quite boring.

Except of the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes " (by Arthur Conan Doyle) being published in 1892 A.D. 

Also the UK and France declared war on Turkey in 1914 but as we all know the Turkish didn't do that much anyways. And the war was already going in Europe for a short while as well. 

Then the last succesful cavalry charge was performed by the 4th Australian Light Horse in 1917. I don't really know why but it doesn't surprize me in any way. Like the fact that they were Australian. It just sounds like a thing they'd do. 

And for the last thing; Mussolini was elected the Prime Minister of Italy. 

Thats it for today and if you expected some scary stuff then well.....the last point was pretty scary for me. 



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