Saturday 15 October 2016

Italian Beretta M92

Hi everybody !

Today I'm going to tell you something about Beretta M92 (By the way one of my favourites guns) .

Some history:

In 1951 Beretta started a serial production of Model 1951 Brigiadier pistol. It was a good gun but in the early 70's armies started to look for a new one. The idea was just to increase the number of bullets held in gun's magazine , but the chcanges were so big that it s actually became a new weapon. Beretta M92 was created in 1976 and  a year later another version came in (I'm sorry , but there are too many versions of this gun to describe them in this post). In 1979 it came to the US army and it's on use to this day.

Aaaaaaaaannndd some technical stuff:

Year of serial production begining : 1976
Caliber : 9mm parabelum
Weight: 955g
Effective range:50m

And as always here is some shooting:

I think it's enough for this short post.

See you next time !

//The Typical Loner

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